Welcome to Preston Photographic Society's website, we are an active group of over 70 members who meet every Thursday evening at 7.30pm at Moor Park Sports and Social Club.
We welcome all new members to our club to join us, whether you are just starting out or you’ve owned a camera for years PPS can help you develop your skills and passion for photography. Come and join our community and let us develop your source for inspiration, social, education and enjoyment of photography.
We welcome all new members to our club to join us, whether you are just starting out or you’ve owned a camera for years PPS can help you develop your skills and passion for photography. Come and join our community and let us develop your source for inspiration, social, education and enjoyment of photography.
Up and Coming Events
Thursday 13 February 2025
Thursday 20 February 2025
Thursday 27 February 2025
Podium Winners from 2024/25 Season
Message from our President
Welcome to Preston Photographic Society website. It is a privilege to introduce you to a society that has brought together photographers in Preston for well over a century.
Our website showcases the great work of many of our members and provides information about our club and what we offer. In addition, there are resources which lots of people may find useful. The club provides an opportunity for photographers of any level to join together and develop their skills through an eclectic mix of talks, competitions, exhibitions, members workshops, photo walks and general social activity. We have a diverse and inclusive membership and anyone looking to join our club, either as a total beginner or someone with an established level of skill, will be made to feel more than welcome. We are open to new members at any time and anyone wishing to know more is welcome to make contact through this site or to come along to our meetings. We also have a presence on social Media Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for taking time to explore our site and hopefully you will consider coming along and finding out more about us. Iain Jack President |
Location of The Club
Meetings take place at
Moor Park Sports & Social Club Blackpool Road, Preston PR2 3 AE Please NoteYour Sat Nav will direct you to Blackpool Road but on the wrong side of the road.
The Marker on the Map is the correct location. |