Preston Photographic Society Competition Rules
A number of competitions are run throughout the club year.
The following is a description of those competitions and the rules that apply to them. Rules that are specific to a particular competition are stated under the heading for that competition. These apply in conjunction with the “General Rules for Entries” stated separately at 2.0 below. Non-compliance with any of these rules may result in disqualification from a competition.
It is implicit throughout these rules that any image(s) submitted for any PPS competition can subsequently be used for a PPS club entry to other competitions such as those run by L&CPU, unless the author specifically withdraws the image.
At the discretion of the Committee and in exceptional circumstances, these rules may be amended to aid smooth running of competitions. Any changes so made shall be subject to confirmation at the next AGM.
The following is a description of those competitions and the rules that apply to them. Rules that are specific to a particular competition are stated under the heading for that competition. These apply in conjunction with the “General Rules for Entries” stated separately at 2.0 below. Non-compliance with any of these rules may result in disqualification from a competition.
It is implicit throughout these rules that any image(s) submitted for any PPS competition can subsequently be used for a PPS club entry to other competitions such as those run by L&CPU, unless the author specifically withdraws the image.
At the discretion of the Committee and in exceptional circumstances, these rules may be amended to aid smooth running of competitions. Any changes so made shall be subject to confirmation at the next AGM.
1. Competitions
1.1. The Opening Night Competition
There is just one category for this competition and both members and non-members may enter.
The category is:
The winner is finally determined by a ballot of members present.
The category is:
- Best Projected Digital Image
The winner is finally determined by a ballot of members present.
1.2. Monthly Competitions
A competition is held in each of the months comprising a club year. (September - May)
An external judge is invited to judge these competitions by scoring images out of a possible 20 marks.
All images are allocated a mark.
The competition is divided into a number of categories. Except as described in the Monthly Competition Specific Rules below, a member may only enter one print in each print category each month and only one PDI image in any of their choice of two Projected Digital Image (PDI).
These categories are:
An external judge is invited to judge these competitions by scoring images out of a possible 20 marks.
All images are allocated a mark.
The competition is divided into a number of categories. Except as described in the Monthly Competition Specific Rules below, a member may only enter one print in each print category each month and only one PDI image in any of their choice of two Projected Digital Image (PDI).
These categories are:
1.2.1. The "Fox Talbot" Category
This category is for Monochrome prints of any subject, produced using home processed darkroom techniques only. Commercially printed or mounted images are not allowed.
1.2.2. Open Monochrome Prints
This category is for monochrome prints of any subject produced by any technique.
Commercially produced prints are allowed.
No other colours may be included in the print. However, the overall toning of the whole image – for example sepia toning, is allowed. Prints that incorporate one or more other colours (so called colour popping) must be entered in the Open Colour Print category.
Commercially produced prints are allowed.
No other colours may be included in the print. However, the overall toning of the whole image – for example sepia toning, is allowed. Prints that incorporate one or more other colours (so called colour popping) must be entered in the Open Colour Print category.
1.2.3. Open Colour Prints
This category is for colour prints of any subject produced by any technique.
Commercially produced prints are allowed.
Commercially produced prints are allowed.
1.2.4. Flora and Fauna
This category is specifically for projected nature images. Such images should conform to the rules included in Appendix 1 of the competition rules.
The intention is that images complying with these PPS rules will be more than compliant with the PAGB and other international bodies' rules.
The intention is that images complying with these PPS rules will be more than compliant with the PAGB and other international bodies' rules.
1.2.5. Open Projected Images
This category is for digital images of any subject in either monochrome or colour.
Any manipulation of digital images must be the work of the author submitting the entry.
In order to provide fairer competition for less experienced members, this category is split into two sections:
Any manipulation of digital images must be the work of the author submitting the entry.
In order to provide fairer competition for less experienced members, this category is split into two sections:
- Novice section
- Advanced section
- - No previous entry into the Advanced section has been made by that individual.
- - A member competing in the Novice section will be automatically promoted to the Advanced category upon being top of the annual Novice, Theme or Flora and Fauna, categories.
- - A member competing in the Novice section may choose to transfer to the Advanced section at the end of the first club year.
- - Alternatively, if it becomes apparent that the ability of an individual competing in the Novice section comfortably exceeds that which is reasonable for a Novice, the Committee, at its discretion, may choose to promote that individual to the Advanced section at the end of the first club year.
- - Whether as a result of the provisions of or, once a member has transferred to the Advanced section, no return to the Novice section will normally be allowed. However a member may approach the Committee in writing to relinquish their status and return to the Novice section, where the member feels that this would be more appropriate to their present standard of photography.
- - Opting to compete in the Novice section of the Open Projected category of the monthly competition, does not affect a members' eligibility to compete in the other monthly competition categories including the Theme, Flora and Fauna or Print categories, or any other club competitions.
1.2.6. The Monthly Theme
The monthly theme is for images whose subject conforms to the theme for that month published in the club syllabus. Each member can make one projected digital image entry only.
The scores awarded to each club member each month for each category entered in the monthly competitions, the Novice and Advanced sections in the Open Projected Images category being treated separately, are aggregated across the club year to determine a first, second and third place for each category or section.
The scores awarded to each club member each month for each category entered in the monthly competitions, the Novice and Advanced sections in the Open Projected Images category being treated separately, are aggregated across the club year to determine a first, second and third place for each category or section.
Monthly Competition - Specific Rules
- Projected Images, and Prints that:
- a) have been entered in previous club Monthly Competitions, or
- b) that are similar to or derivatives of entries in previous Monthly Competitions, are not eligible for entry in the club Monthly Competition.
- Projected Images, and Prints that have been previously entered in any other Preston Photographic Society internal competitions, for example opening night, Three on a theme, interclub competitions (Three Way Battle) or external competitions are eligible for the club Monthly Competition.
- Except for the "Theme" category, with the prior agreement of the club Internal Competition Secretary, the one entry per category per month rule normally applying to the club Monthly Competitions may be varied. In an emergency where a member is unable to make an entry to one or more competition categories in any given month, the missing entries may be carried over to the following month in order to avoid disadvantage to that member's annual aggregate score. Abuse of this concession by a member may result in its withdrawal from that member.
1.3. Three on a Theme
The object of this competition is to present three images which are in some way related to each other; i.e. there is a "theme" running through all three images.
Each group of images may be in the form of prints or projected images.
Print and projected categories will be separately judged. Members may submit one entry into either or both categories.
The entry may be three separate images or three images incorporated in one projected display or on the same print mount. Each image or mount must be clearly marked with the "Theme" of the panel, an individual Title (if appropriate), and numbered in accordance with the order they are required to be presented in.
The entries will be judged as a Tryptych (set of three balanced images) either by a ballot of club members on the night or by an external judge, at the discretion of the committee.
Projected Images, and Prints that:
Each group of images may be in the form of prints or projected images.
Print and projected categories will be separately judged. Members may submit one entry into either or both categories.
The entry may be three separate images or three images incorporated in one projected display or on the same print mount. Each image or mount must be clearly marked with the "Theme" of the panel, an individual Title (if appropriate), and numbered in accordance with the order they are required to be presented in.
The entries will be judged as a Tryptych (set of three balanced images) either by a ballot of club members on the night or by an external judge, at the discretion of the committee.
Projected Images, and Prints that:
- a) have been entered in previous Three on a Theme Competitions, or
- b) that are similar to or derivatives of entries in previous Three on a Theme Competitions, are not eligible for entry in subsequent Three on a Theme Competitions.
1.4. Print and Projected Image of the Year Competitions
Entries for the Print and Projected Digital Image (PDI) of the year competitions automatically comprise the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed projected images and prints entered in each category of the monthly competitions held throughout the club year.
All entries will be judged on the night by an external judge who for the prints category and for the projected image category, will select the image of the year together with a second and third place.
Trophies to be held for one year, will be awarded to the winner of the Print category and to the winner of the Projected Digital Image category.
Following a competition, it is the responsibility of members to claim their own prints from the internal/external competition secretary. Uncollected items will be stored in the club equipment room and disposed of after 12 months.
Unless the member has a particular reason for removing them and with the exception of the Fox Talbot category, the top 3 prints in each class will be retained by the Society for the Print and PDI competition at the end of the season and to be used in external competitions throughout the year.
All entries will be judged on the night by an external judge who for the prints category and for the projected image category, will select the image of the year together with a second and third place.
Trophies to be held for one year, will be awarded to the winner of the Print category and to the winner of the Projected Digital Image category.
Following a competition, it is the responsibility of members to claim their own prints from the internal/external competition secretary. Uncollected items will be stored in the club equipment room and disposed of after 12 months.
Unless the member has a particular reason for removing them and with the exception of the Fox Talbot category, the top 3 prints in each class will be retained by the Society for the Print and PDI competition at the end of the season and to be used in external competitions throughout the year.
1.5. AI Influence and rules within Photography
All entries must have originated as a photograph, either film or digital and been taken by the entrant, AI or entirely computer generated images are not permitted. Images may be manipulated, with the exception of Natural History images where the 2018 PAGB Nature rules apply. (View Appendix 1 below)
All manipulation and any adjustments must have been done by the entrant.
All manipulation and any adjustments must have been done by the entrant.
2.0. General Rules for Entries
The following rules apply in addition to any competition specific rules stated above.
2.1. Competitions are only open to fully paid up members
2.2. Entry Closing Date
Except for the Opening Night Competition, entries must be submitted by the closing date specified in the club syllabus or in the exceptional case of a time extension, by the date decided upon by the appropriate (internal/external) Competition Secretary. This will normally be a club night.
Prints must be delivered to the appropriate Competition Secretary on or before the specified club night.
Digital images must be emailed to the appropriate club Competition Secretary before midnight on the closing date.
Prints must be delivered to the appropriate Competition Secretary on or before the specified club night.
Digital images must be emailed to the appropriate club Competition Secretary before midnight on the closing date.
2.3. Prints
2.3.1 - Print entries must bear a Title, the competition number (first monthly, second monthly etc), the competition Category and the member's Club Number.
This information must be clearly marked on the reverse of the mount at the top left hand corner (to ensure the correct orientation for viewing where this could be misconstrued).
The authors name must not be shown.
2.3.2 - All prints must be mounted. The overall size of the mount must be exactly 500mm, 400mm, with the exception of the Fox-Talbot section which may still use 16 inches by 20 inches (with the members understanding that any prints of this size would now be too large for entry into L&CPU competitions).
2.3.3 - To avoid damage to other prints, the backing of the mount should be a flat surface with no exposed adhesive or tape of any kind showing. Where a print is displayed behind a cut out frame, ideally the mount and the frame should be the same size.
2.3.4 - Mounts must not exceed 4mm in thickness.
2.3.5 - Other than for the Fox Talbot Category, PDI images of submitted prints should also be emailed to the Internal Competition Secretary. The email should make it clear that the images are of print submissions. The standard PDI sizing will be acceptable.
This information must be clearly marked on the reverse of the mount at the top left hand corner (to ensure the correct orientation for viewing where this could be misconstrued).
The authors name must not be shown.
2.3.2 - All prints must be mounted. The overall size of the mount must be exactly 500mm, 400mm, with the exception of the Fox-Talbot section which may still use 16 inches by 20 inches (with the members understanding that any prints of this size would now be too large for entry into L&CPU competitions).
2.3.3 - To avoid damage to other prints, the backing of the mount should be a flat surface with no exposed adhesive or tape of any kind showing. Where a print is displayed behind a cut out frame, ideally the mount and the frame should be the same size.
2.3.4 - Mounts must not exceed 4mm in thickness.
2.3.5 - Other than for the Fox Talbot Category, PDI images of submitted prints should also be emailed to the Internal Competition Secretary. The email should make it clear that the images are of print submissions. The standard PDI sizing will be acceptable.
2.4. Digital Images
Digital Projected Images must be in a JPEG format.
The standard size of digital projected images must not exceed 1600 pixels wide and 1200 pixels high.
Portrait images must not exceed 1200 pixels high.
To ensure the best presentation for judging, images should be in sRGB colour space and ideally sized to fill this maximum space with any area not containing part of the image being filled with pure black or dark grey.
Guidance on how to do this is available as a download on the clubs website.
The file name of each image must contain only the member's club number and the image title in the following format:
The standard size of digital projected images must not exceed 1600 pixels wide and 1200 pixels high.
Portrait images must not exceed 1200 pixels high.
To ensure the best presentation for judging, images should be in sRGB colour space and ideally sized to fill this maximum space with any area not containing part of the image being filled with pure black or dark grey.
Guidance on how to do this is available as a download on the clubs website.
The file name of each image must contain only the member's club number and the image title in the following format:
- member_number_image title.jpg
- For example - 045_Mill at Sunset.jpg or for the monthly "Theme" 045_Theme_Mill at Sunset.jpg
2.5. Own work and Copyright
With the exception of commercial printing where this is allowed, the content of entries must be entirely the work of the member concerned and copyright of the overall image and any element of the image must rest wholly with that member.
Appendix 1
Rule 1.2.4 Monthly Competition for Flora and Fauna Category
This definition is taken from the PAGB definition for Nature and has been adopted by the L&CPU.
Note that images already meeting the separate FIAP Definition of Nature will satisfy this less restrictive definition.
Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archaeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed person will be able to identify the subject material and certify its honest presentation.
The story telling value of a photograph must be weighed more than the pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality. Scientific-bands, scientific tags or radio collars on wild animals are permissible.
Photographs of human created hybrid plants, cultivated plants, feral animals, domestic animals, or mounted specimens are ineligible, as is any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement.
Processing of the captured image, by cropping, exposure adjustment, colour correction, noise minimisation, dodging/burning, HDR, focus stacking and sharpening, is allowed.
Cloning of image defects and minor distractions, including overlapping elements, are permitted when these do not distort the truth of the photographic statement.
Images entered as Nature can have landscape, geologic formations, weather phenomena, and extant organisms as the primary subject matter. This includes images taken with the subjects in controlled conditions, such as zoos, game farms, botanical gardens, aquariums and any enclosure where the subjects are totally dependent on man for food.
Access to biological subjects may be restricted.
By entering an PPS or L&CPU event, Photographers warrant that they have followed relevant codes of practices and hold any necessary licenses.
Note that images already meeting the separate FIAP Definition of Nature will satisfy this less restrictive definition.
Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archaeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed person will be able to identify the subject material and certify its honest presentation.
The story telling value of a photograph must be weighed more than the pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality. Scientific-bands, scientific tags or radio collars on wild animals are permissible.
Photographs of human created hybrid plants, cultivated plants, feral animals, domestic animals, or mounted specimens are ineligible, as is any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement.
Processing of the captured image, by cropping, exposure adjustment, colour correction, noise minimisation, dodging/burning, HDR, focus stacking and sharpening, is allowed.
Cloning of image defects and minor distractions, including overlapping elements, are permitted when these do not distort the truth of the photographic statement.
Images entered as Nature can have landscape, geologic formations, weather phenomena, and extant organisms as the primary subject matter. This includes images taken with the subjects in controlled conditions, such as zoos, game farms, botanical gardens, aquariums and any enclosure where the subjects are totally dependent on man for food.
Access to biological subjects may be restricted.
By entering an PPS or L&CPU event, Photographers warrant that they have followed relevant codes of practices and hold any necessary licenses.
Guidance on implementation and interpretation of the PAGB Definition of Nature is available separately, and may be read in conjunction with this Definition.
Images entered in Wildlife sections are further defined as one or more extant zoological or botanical organisms free and unrestrained in a natural or adopted= habitat.
Landscapes, geologic formations, photographs of zoo or game farm animals, or of any extant zoological or botanical species taken under controlled conditions are not eligible in Wildlife sections.
Wildlife is not limited to animals, birds, and insects. Marine subjects and botanical subjects (including fungi and algae) taken in the wild are suitable wildlife subjects, as are carcasses of extant species.
Wildlife images may be entered in Nature sections.
Note, the Annual Individual and Club Competitions are Nature competitions. There is no Wildlife Competition but this definition will be used where a specific Wildlife Award is made.
Landscapes, geologic formations, photographs of zoo or game farm animals, or of any extant zoological or botanical species taken under controlled conditions are not eligible in Wildlife sections.
Wildlife is not limited to animals, birds, and insects. Marine subjects and botanical subjects (including fungi and algae) taken in the wild are suitable wildlife subjects, as are carcasses of extant species.
Wildlife images may be entered in Nature sections.
Note, the Annual Individual and Club Competitions are Nature competitions. There is no Wildlife Competition but this definition will be used where a specific Wildlife Award is made.
This document was redrafted in May 2021 to incorporate changes agreed by members at the Annual General Meeting - 20 May 2021.